Guest blog & Urban Market

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of participating in the inaugural Artifex show at the National Art Gallery in Ottawa. The show is the brain child of Dr Bruce M Firestone, and is intended to showcase local artists. It was a great chance to meet and chat with other artists, and many of the people who support the arts in Ottawa. One of the common questions people ask at shows is how I got involved in jewellery making. This came up again during my conversation with Bruce. After hearing the story, he asked me to write a guest blog post about my transition from an IT career, to being a full time artist. So if you are curious about the origin story of SHS, please head over to Bruce's blog for my guest post.

Speaking of shows, I will be at Urban Craft Market tomorrow. If you've never been down to the Wellington West area, tomorrow is a great day to do so. There are plenty of great restaurants and shops in the area, and on the first Saturday of each month, the Urban Craft Market sets up at the Great Canadian Theatre Company. The weather looks like it's going to be amazing, and there are always some great local artists setup for the market. Please stop in and say hi.

GCTC is at the corner of Wellington and Holland, and the show will be on from 10am till 2pm.

Now off to finish up some earrings for the show...